August 1
November 29
Pig Odors and River Smells: Transportation in and around Union College since 1795
Travel has not always been safe...and Schenectady was not always an easy place to get to. This exhibit looks at the way transportation has changed since 1795 and what it took to navigate around New York and the Capital Region.
As technology changes, engineers and builders overhaul the infrastructure neede dto get us on the move. Were all these methods always inevitable? Do they still exist? And what will transportation look like in the future?
Selected Exhibit Images:
This exhibit can be found in during the dates above in the Beuth Atrium, which is on the 1st floor of Schaffer Library. It's located just behind the current reading area.
Exhibit Acknowledgements:
Curated by Matthew Golebiewski, Processing Archivist Fall 2024.